Author, Expert & Speaker

Want Mark Roseman to Speak at Your Next Event?

Does your group need an informative and educational presentation about life in the prison system? As a former lawyer and advocate for survivors of childhood sexual abuse, and a survivor of the prison system who put his life together after two years in jail, Mark Roseman has a unique perspective to share with people who will be incarcerated or whose loved ones are facing incarceration or reentry into society.

The Challenges of Incarceration: Informative Guidance for Prison Life

Prison Preparedness

Knowing about prison culture will help you or your loved one stay healthy and safe in prison. Learn about the Racial Rules Rosetta Stone, the importance of respect and nuanced communication, and the complicated politics of prison cultures. Also find out what families need to know when a loved one—especially the parent of young children—is headed to prison.

Creature Comforts

Prison life can be a shock—inmates often face crooked guards, nepotism, and discrimination. You can navigate these challenges by getting the job assignments you want, keeping yourself entertained, and staying in touch with family and friends. Also learn how having a sense of humor can help you keep things in perspective.

Coping with Reentry

Prison is difficult enough, but the journey doesn’t end after your release. When you reenter society, you’ll be faced with discriminatory laws and attitudes. Learn to sort through your experiences, regain and maintain your self-respect, and recognize when you need help. Also find out how the use of prison themes in modern entertainment has affected society’s attitudes toward prisoners and ex-cons.


To find out more about having Mark address your organization, please contact him at

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You can watch a short sample of another of Mark’s presentations here.

To see the full presentation, click here.

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